200 Block E 78 Street, New York City

The most beautiful block in the greatest city in the world!

The Block Association.

Want to help make our block more beautiful? We welcome your donations! The block association is strictly a neighbor-funded, volunteer operation, and no donation is too big or small. 100% of the funds we receive go directly to block beautification and maintenance. Should you wish to give, simply click the “Donate” button below, or you can write a check to Trees 78 Foundation, which is our official 501 C-3 sponsor.

All donations are tax deductible.


A bit of history…

The 200 Block East 78 Block Association began in the late 1960s. At that time, the block had less than half as many trees as it has now, and no flowers, ivy, or tree bed enclosures. Josephine Smith, of Texas, had recently moved to 218 E. 78th Street with her husband and two small children. In a letter years later to her neighbor and friend Mary Ryan, she recounted how it all began…

Dear Mary,

Thank you for your p.c. [postcard]. I’ll do my best to remember the tree story.

I think that we doubled the number of trees — planted somewhere between 18 & 21 new ones.

I contracted some non-profit city beautification group — (Miss Tasker’s group. I have a citation from them somewhere) — which referred me to a city agency which made a survey. The survey showed existing trees, and indicated where new ones might be planted. It was recommended that we plant London Plane trees, and there was an established price to cover all the costs of tree and planting — maybe $125.

I then made signs which said something like: “We have room for additional trees on this block. Each tree will cost X. If you would like to contribute, please write your tax-deductible check to Y, or call me at…. Jo Smith.”

There was an immediate positive response. One man called immediately to say that he would like to give 2 trees, and another said that he would give the last tree. I don’t remember if I posted progress reports, but soon there was more than enough money. I decided to use the extra funds to put hoops around the new trees. (There was some protest about why hoops were not placed around existing trees since those property-owners had contributed to the fund. Mild, and polite.) ….


The 200 Block E. 78 Street Association is a volunteer organization of neighbors. Organized as not-for-profit, the block association works to keep the block safe and beautiful.