Fall 2021 Newletter

Hello Neighbor!

We hope this finds you well, and safely weathering these challenging pandemic times. Now more than ever, one thing seems true: It’s nice to come home to a beautiful block!

Bringing beauty and community to the block has been the primary mission of our block association since a handful of homeowners banded together in 1964 to build tree enclosures, and plant new trees and flowers. Speaking of which, we hope everyone enjoyed the colorful impatients planted over the summer. Soon you’ll be seeing our tree beds cleaned, fertilized, and planted with tulip and daffodil bulbs for the spring.

 Some may have also noticed the south side of the block got three entirely new tree enclosures! These are the first to meet the city’s smart new guidelines which require bigger more tree-friendly beds. This and a few other things are a tribute to a small but growing group of neighbors who have stepped forward to pick up the block baton.

 With your support, there’s much more to come: More new enclosures, new trees where the several have died or been removed due to construction, more flowers, and even some early discussion of a spring…block party!

 We welcome anyone on the block who wants to get involved. If you have ideas, time, or skills, shoot us a line at blockassociation@e78st.org.

 We also welcome your donations. The block association is strictly a neighbor-funded, volunteer operation, and no donation is too big or small. Should you wish to give, you can write a check to Trees 78 Foundation, which is our official 501 C-3 sponsor. All donations are tax deductible. For a breakdown of our 2021 budget and expense, you can check out the recent blog post on our brand new block website: e78st.org!  

 Thanks so much, and here’s to a beautiful late fall and winter on our block!


 The 200 E. 78 Block Association

Cynthia Matthews, Daniel DeWolfe, Lauren Frazza, Co Chairs


Summer Flower Planting!


Hello World!